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                What are the advantages and disadvantages of CNC lathe?

                Release time:2018-11-29 15:48:03  Browse times:

                It is clear that CNC lathes (computer lathes) can process more complex parts than automatic (CAM) lathes.The parts shown in this page are just some examples of the products we often produce in our work. In fact, more advanced and sophisticated products can be produced as long as they are feasible in design.CNC lathe has broken through the traditional mechanical or manual processing methods, the complexity of the product no longer becomes a processing problem,therefore, more and more manufacturers in the industry gradually began to use or supporting CNC lathe.

                Complex, fine is the advantage of CNC lathe.Of course, if there are any disadvantages, maybe the only one is a little bit expensive.

                The advantages of numerical control lathe: 

                1. The rigidity of CNC lathe is stronger, the accuracy of machining is more guaranteed,the quality of machining can be effectively controlled in the process of machining. In the process of application, manual compensation or automatic compensation can be more accurately used for production, so it is suitable for the production of some mechanical parts with relatively high requirements on size.Some important data indicators have been set before in the production,so it only needs to carry out the operations according to the instructions in the operation of the system.During processing, different cutting tools can be selected according to the specific type of parts, and the amount of cutting tools and the track of equipment can be effectively adjusted in the production process.Therefore, there is a high degree of automation in the whole process, and it is also very little affected by human factors. If certain errors occur in the process of operation of the system, automatic compensation can be made according to the severity of the errors.

                2.CNC lathe turning is mainly through some high precision operation and servo drive to complete,besides, the precision of lathe itself and stiffness are good,so its straightness, roundness and cylindricity can well meet the relevant standards and requirements when busbar is processed, therefore, the finished parts are similar to those in the design drawings when making parts with multiple arcs and other complex shapes, it will be much higher precision than traditional copying lathes,the machined parts and parts graphics of sample will not present too much difference.

                3. CNC lathe can reflect very high economic benefits in the process of application.A lot of processing time can be saved when single pieces are produced in small batches.You don't have to make too many adjustments in the process,the cost of production will be greatly reduced, the precision of the parts produced can meet the requirements of the application.This production method also ensures better product quality and reduces the number of unqualified products in the production process.It also effectively controls the cost of the production process,the function of CNC lathe has also been greatly enriched.Therefore, even though the price of this machine tool is relatively high, its economic benefits in the application are also very obvious.

                4.CNC lathe has very good control effect for high precision size.Many high-precision components are produced using CNC turning,this is because the traditional turning method can not meet its accuracy requirements. If we found the accuracy of some positions is relatively high during the machining of mechanical components,in order to better meet its processing requirements, the processing procedures can be appropriately adjusted in the practical processing process.In this way, the accuracy of the product can be effectively improved to reach the application standard,however, this calibration cannot be accomplished in the previous machining methods.

                Disadvantages of CNC lathe:  1)The price is relatively high and the early investment of the equipment is large. Due to the high cost, the quotation is generally high, but our company is not high. 2)The technical requirements for the operation and repair personnel are higher, and then increased labor costs, which is still the above meaning: high cost.  3)The interface circuit is complex, and the numerical control system should be matched with various numerical control equipment and external equipment,deal with all kinds of conditions in the production process at any time, adapt to the various technological requirements of the equipment, so the interface circuit is complex, and the operation is frequent; 4)High cost of repair, complex system, complex repair.  5) When machining complex shape parts, the amount of programming work, if there is a slight error, easy to cause losses.

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